4 Bible Passages That Look Like Lies

Are they really lies?

Jacob Alabi
8 min read5 days ago

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I was once asked what I would do if I died and discovered there was no God, no hell, no heaven, or any of the Bible things I believe in. I didn’t take offense at the question. It’s an opportunity to scrutinize my faith, ask meaningful questions, and pronounce my assurance. It’s possible you have faced a similar scenario, especially regarding supposed contradictions in the Bible.

Some instances in the Bible look contradictory, even seeming like lies or impracticalities. But are they really lies and contradictions? Let’s check some out.

#1 — The Adam-and-Eve story

Bible passage (emphasis added):

”But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” — ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭17‬, ‭ESV

Did Adam and Eve die the same day they ate the fruit? Well, God placed a curse on the land, chased them out of the garden, and they toiled for hundreds of years during which they gave birth to Cain, Abel, Seth, and other sons and daughters with Adam living a total of 930 years (Genesis 4:1-2; 5:4-5). So, from our viewpoint, they didn’t…



Jacob Alabi

Digital solution architect and missionary aviation student. I merge technical acumen with enthusiastic faith narratives. Need me for a project? Leave a note.