A Lesson From An Electric Box

This is not fair, or is it?

Jacob Alabi
3 min readJun 24, 2024

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Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

I hate to start a piece of writing with a shout, especially one of “this is not fair” like an activist, but I have to do it. I want you to enter my world, see if it aligns with yours, and join me in my wonder.

My wonder

I bought an electric extension box with my own money. I went to the store with my own feet, and I negotiated to get this device with my own mouth. I came home, plugged it into a socket I had purchased, and connected it to the electricity for my house. But then, I mistakenly put one of my fingers into the charge position in the box. What happened next makes me wonder: how could I invest so much in something that doesn’t seem to recognize me? In short, I was electrocuted by what I bought with my own funds. Who says that is fair?

You might think this is funny, but it’s not. Why couldn’t the electric box recognize me? Why did it suddenly become my ‘enemy,’ putting my life at risk? Why electrocute the very one who bought and brought it to life? Is this all I deserve? A form of “depart from me; I don’t know you”?

I ain’t done

Has this thing forgotten all about me so soon? How I went through the heavy traffic of my city…



Jacob Alabi

Digital solution architect and missionary aviation student. I merge technical acumen with enthusiastic faith narratives. Need me for a project? Leave a note.