Lord, Help Me!

A genuine cry for mercy

Jacob Alabi
2 min read5 days ago

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Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

O Lord, my eyes have seen Your goodness,
My days have witnessed Your increase.
I know great is Your faithfulness,
And so amazing is Your peace.

But I need Your help, O Father,
I’m not going to hide it further.
I need You to show up,
I’m breaking but mustn’t give up.

But who says You were hidden?
You aren’t oblivious to all I go through.
You’re full of mercy and so loving,
But Lord, where are You?

Is God not in the heavens, my soul?
And does He not watch you head to toe?
Is His presence not in you so abounding?
Though head heavy, is His presence in my heart not so refreshing?

But how to explain the journey so unknown?
A path I tread in faith, some colder than snow.
Some so hot, scorching my feet,
Others so tiring, and I gasp between my teeth.



Jacob Alabi

Digital solution architect and missionary aviation student. I merge technical acumen with enthusiastic faith narratives. Need me for a project? Leave a note.