Don’t Wait To Pray. Just Pray

A poem

Jacob Alabi
1 min readJun 19, 2024

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Photo by Frankie Lopez on Unsplash

How can one describe prayer?

A subject of various forms and layers

The earth-rending weapon of God’s saints

Helping us stand in Christ and not faint

There are other benefits of prayer, evidently undeniable

Yet, many wonder how a consistent prayer life is attainable

I ask: How can we “pray without ceasing,”

If our prayer (and supplication) is tied to a season?

Is it not best to stop waiting when we feel like praying,

And begin as we sense we need to speak?

Even for a scheduled or corporate prayer, we can start seeking

Before others join us to seek the One who is at the peak.

Our words will be firm truth, not ranting

And we will boldly see we can all pray without ceasing.

This is my first Medium poem shared with you,
Once I wrote, but my intensity withdrew,
Till Davidhollis’s writings, profound and bright,
Guided me back to poetic light.

Let me know if this piece rings true.

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Jacob Alabi

Digital solution architect and missionary aviation student. I merge technical acumen with enthusiastic faith narratives. Need me for a project? Leave a note.