Is AI The Coming Anti-Christ?

Let’s get this straight without sentiments

Jacob Alabi
7 min readJun 25, 2024

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About 15 years ago, a zealous Christian met me with global facts allegedly stating that Christ would return in about a year. It was during the Obama administration, and many technological advancements and discourses were ringing bells worldwide. Recently, I’ve noticed similar concerns and curiosity about technology, especially AI, among many well-meaning people, prompting the question this article seeks to address sincerely, factually, and truthfully: Is AI the coming anti-Christ?

Get to know me

When OpenAI’s flagship product, ChatGPT, hit the public, I was in a friend’s office as he told me about this “latest cool tool that could help with almost anything.” I was careful with my words, and while I didn’t challenge his enthusiasm, I had my reservations about this tool, which I feared might make people too lazy.

I have a degree in computer science, ranking in the top 1% at one of the best state universities in Nigeria. Since 2013, I have worked for tech-savvy individuals and companies in need of various tech solutions. In fact, I landed my first paid job with a tech company even before I started my college degree. Despite this, I was often among the last to…



Jacob Alabi

Digital solution architect and missionary aviation student. I merge technical acumen with enthusiastic faith narratives. Need me for a project? Leave a note.